Your Philanthropic Guide: explore the ways Scott Philanthropy can help you and your organization thrive! 

Philanthropic Advising

Embark on an Exciting Journey of Philanthropic Success with Your Dedicated Advisor!

If you're eager to make a meaningful difference through your philanthropy but don't know where to start, or if you want to deepen and systematize your giving, look no further.

Scott Philanthropy is here to guide you every step of the way. We have a deep understanding of the philanthropic landscape and will help you develop strategic giving plans that align with your values and goals.

With our expert guidance, you can navigate the complex world of philanthropy with confidence. We'll begin by identifying your passion for progress and change, conducting thorough assessments of community needs to pinpoint areas where your support can have the greatest impact.

Drawing from the latest trends and research, we'll recommend causes and organizations that align with your interests and have a proven track record of success. Together, we'll forge meaningful partnerships that create lasting change.

Imagine the satisfaction of knowing that your giving is making a real difference! Don't let the potential of your philanthropy go untapped. Contact us today to learn more! 

Nonprofit Fundraising

Ignite Your Fundraising Success with Our Expert Consultants!

Do you want to achieve fundraising excellence and propel your nonprofit organization to new heights of success with our skilled fundraising consultants? Looking to build or build out a major giving program?

With a deep understanding of the nonprofit sector, our team will work closely with you to develop a tailored, comprehensive fundraising plan that aligns with your mission and objectives. We'll bring fresh perspectives, creative ideas, and a mastery of storytelling to captivate and delight your donors.

Our consultants are experts in crafting compelling grant proposals and designing engaging donor campaigns, guiding you through every step of the fundraising process. We understand the importance of building strong donor relationships and will help you develop strategies that inspire long-term loyalty. Leveraging cutting-edge techniques and technologies, we'll expand your donor base, reach new audiences, and create sustainable revenue streams.

We go beyond just consultation; we empower your team with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in fundraising.

Don't let fundraising challenges hinder your organization's impact. Partner with our fundraising consultants and unlock the full potential of your nonprofit. Contact us today to embark on a transformative journey of fundraising excellence.

Grantwriting and Grant Management

Unlock Funding Opportunities and Streamline Grant Reporting!

Revolutionize your nonprofit's grantseeking and reporting processes with our expert grantwriting and grant reporting. We've raised over $50 million dollars for organizations like yours over 17+ years. Put our proven track record of securing grants from diverse funding sources to work for you!

We'll work closely with your organization, crafting compelling grant proposals that resonate with funders and maximize your chances of success.

We will guide you through the reporting process, ensuring compliance with grant requirements while effectively communicating your achievements and impact.

With our comprehensive knowledge of funding landscapes and personalized guidance, we'll help you identify new grant opportunities and build strong relationships with funders.

Streamline your grantseeking and reporting efforts, and focus more on driving impact and transforming lives. Contact us today and unlock the full potential of your nonprofit's funding success.